Let's talk!

For further assistance reach out to the core-team of hack-the-spring

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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a hackathon?
As the name says, its a marathon for a hack. A hackathon can be best described as an “invention marathon”, or in simple words, hackathons are about bringing your crazy ideas to reality, through technology. It’s an event where anyone, regardless of their individual field can come & participate to learn, build & share their creations, in a relaxed & productive environment.
How big a team can be?
The maximum team size is four and minimum is three mandatorily.
Do we have registration fee?
Yes, we have a registration fee of Rs. 400 per team, for which breakfast, lunch, and other benefits are covered for both days.
Do I need to have any specific qualifications to be a participant for the hackathon?
If you love to innovate, you are more than welcome to participate in the hackathon.

Contact Us

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